EAST JOURNAL OF SECURITY STUDIES https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>ISSN 2522-9141</strong></em></span></p> <p>The scientific journal "East Journal of Security Studies" was founded in 2017. The journal is published twice a year. The topics are devoted to issues of national and international security in the following areas: social determinants of security, security theories, external and internal security, security technology, education for security, cybersecurity, environmental security. In these areas published original research results. The journal has an open character; authors from domestic and foreign organizations, including students, can be published in it, provided that their texts meet the criteria of a scientific article.</p> <p>&nbsp;The journal is indexed in the following scientific databases:&nbsp;</p> <p>- Google Scholar;</p> <p>- OpenAIRE;</p> <p>- ResearchBib;</p> <p>- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index;</p> <p>All issues and articles are assigned a DOI identifier.</p> en-US <p>All materials posted on this resource licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a></p> nnvcentre@ukr.net (Administrator) nnvcentre@ukr.net (Administrator) Wed, 08 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 European experience of the interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions and Ukrainian realities https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/41 <p><em>The article deals with a comparative analysis between the European experience of establishing cooperation between public authorities and civil society institutions and Ukrainian realities, as well as provides practical recommendations for improving the existing practice of civil society development in Ukraine. The general principles and examples of interaction’s organization of public authorities with a civil society in the European countries are given. The activity of public councils under the public authorities, which act as a mediator between the government and civil society institutions, is considered. Based on this, the general reasons for the low level of efficiency of public councils are outlined. The level of human rights violations in Ukraine and Europe is noted, as well as the public's attitude to the fact of their participation in government processes. The need to increase the level of political and legal education of the general mass of citizens is shown. The intensification of their activities in a legal way and with systematic work to organize participation in the preparation of management decisions and public policy in general should ensure.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: civil society, civil society institutions,</em>&nbsp;<em>mechanisms of interaction</em><em>,</em><em>&nbsp;public councils, EU countries, human rights.</em></p> Varvara Viktorivna Dokalenko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/41 Thu, 09 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300 Improving the mechanisms of state administration of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/42 <p><em>In modern conditions, the implementation of mechanisms for state management of transport infrastructure is not economically and efficiently enough, which manifests itself in an increased level of financial and labor costs for the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure, only partial achievement of the goals set by the authorities and insufficient solutions to the problems of development of transport infrastructure, manifest from - for increased wear and tear, congestion, accidents, and underestimated levels of exploitation and miscibility of bridge and road infrastructure. The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of improving the mechanisms of public administration in the field of road facilities. Positive trends in the development of the industry have been identified as part of the implementation of the National Program for the Restoration of Bridges 2020-2025 and the Large Construction Project. It has been established that for the further improvement of the transport industry, it is necessary to delegate expanded management tools to local authorities, streamline, adapt the regulatory framework with EU legislation, promote the development of public-private partnerships, ensure extended independent expert and public control of the quality of road works, stimulate well-coordinated interaction between figurants in the sphere of roads, providing expert monitoring of the condition of roads. Further research can concern a comprehensive analysis of innovations in the niche of the road sector with the analysis of statistical data and dynamics of qualitative indicators of development.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> public administration, transport infrastructure, construction of bridges, road building, Ukravtodor.</em></p> M. M. Buryk ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/42 Fri, 10 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300 ENSURING SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF NATURE MANAGEMENT https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/45 <p><em>At all levels of state regulation there is a need to transform the organizational structure of state policy of natural resources management through the introduction of a modern system of territorial natural economic entities with changes in relevant functions, mechanisms and powers to increase environmental and economic effect in various spheres of economic activity.</em></p> <p><em>The conceptual and categorical field of the theory of formation of the spatial system of natural resources management is developed due to the author's interpretation of the concept: "principles of formation of the innovative model of natural resources management". The article summarizes the results of a systematic analysis of current trends in the spatial development of the national socio-economic system. The principles of formation of the innovative model of state policy of natural resources management, which are a basis for the evaluation of the metaspace of the national socio-economic system in the context of stimulation of general economic growth at a certain historical stage, formation of an effective and secure socio-political and cultural environment, development of natural resources in order to rationalize the use of productive forces and ensure effective national development, &nbsp;are substantiated.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong>&nbsp;state policy, principles, spatial management system, socio-economic system, sustainable management, natural resources management.</p> Irina Dragan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/45 Tue, 08 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0300 LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES, HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS AND THE SOCIETY: MECHANISMS OF INTERACTION OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/46 <p><em>The concept of "law enforcement", which is characterized by polycentricity, was investigated. Institutions of this activities were established. </em><em>It was determined that a special place among them is occupied by executive authorities, public organizations, the ombudsman and other public institutions. </em><em>The ways of increasing their interaction were proposed, implying the improvement of the corresponding organizational and legal public mechanism.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em>&nbsp;public administration, law enforcement bodies, human rights organizations, society, public institutions.</em></p> Alina Leonidivna Pomaza-Ponomarenko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/46 Wed, 07 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0300 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURIST SPHERE IN UKRAINE AS A FACTOR OF REALIZATION OF CAPACITY OF COMMUNITIES AND REGIONS https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/47 <p><em>The article considers the tourism sector in Ukraine as a factor in realizing the potential of communities and regions. It is emphasized that the development of tourism contributes to the capacity of communities through the efficient use of resources, the formation of common interests, providing opportunities for decent work, productive employment, increasing the competitiveness of the region. It is noted that for many local communities, which due to the difficult socio-economic conditions of existence, lack of experience and lack of specialists most need the development of alternative activities, the introduction of tourism is an extremely difficult task. Therefore, the implementation of reforms in the field of tourism depends on the interaction of public administration bodies at the regional and local levels, the coherence of regional and local programs in the field of tourism, the quality of project implementation, the level of qualification of public servants.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>public administration, tourism sphere, local self-government bodies, regional development, development of territorial communities</em></p> Olha Borysenko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/47 Fri, 17 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300 INNOVATIVE POLICY OF THE STATE TO IMPROVE THE SYSTEM OF INCENTIVES FOR THE WORK OF LECTURERS IN THE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF UKRAINE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/48 <p>Ensuring the functioning and development of the education sector, its self-regulation at the national, regional and local levels requires state intervention through the implementation of an appropriate innovative educational policy; it has been proved that the issue of finding effective tools for motivating scientific and pedagogical personnel to activate and improve scientific pedagogical activity requires an innovative nature of state policy, and a rational personnel policy in a higher education institution will positively affect an increase in the institution's prestige as an employer, and optimize the motivational system.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><strong>:</strong>&nbsp;innovation policy of the state, directions of state policy, stimulation of work, motivation, institution of higher education, scientific and pedagogical workers.</p> Larysa Hren ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/48 Fri, 21 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300 IMPLEMENTATION OF E-GOVERNANCE IN THE PUBLIC SPACE OF UKRAINIAN CITIES https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/50 <p><em>The article is devoted to the study of public space and the development of e-governance. The analysis of implementation of state programs of e-government development has been conducted. It has been determined that for the creation of the effective public space and the development of e-government, its security remains an important component (government prevents the dissemination of private information about citizens, protection of their personal data, ease and accessibility of the </em><em>information</em><em>&nbsp;society, digital literacy and many other aspects). The mechanism of e-governance analysis has been described by such key indicators as: organizational capacity and technical infrastructure; information content of official websites; use of electronic participation tools; access to public information in the form of open data; access to administrative services in electronic form; introduction of electronic document management systems.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>public administration, e-government, e-democracy, e- governance, Information and Communication Technologies.</em></p> Serhii Lukin ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/50 Tue, 18 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300 THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SECTOR AS AN OBJECT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/52 <p>During the years of Ukraine's independence, the healthcare system has not changed significantly. Until recently, the country had a fragmented network of medical institutions established in the Soviet Union years ago. This system did not cover the real customer needs and did not comply with international standards. Semashko system provided funding for medical institutions' existence, instead of funding for provided services. The lack of independence of budget medical institutions in decision-making, outdated infrastructure, low wages, and financing of the industry by a residual principle has caused a crisis in the healthcare industry. The article examines the primary world models of healthcare system organization, summarizes the approaches to the public administration of the domestic system and its financing in the healthcare reform context – outlines the main benefits and risks at the present stage. It proves the necessity and expediency of the non-state healthcare sector's development and clarifies the main mechanisms of state influence on its functioning; reveals a comprehensive approach to the public administration of this sector, which represents a set of management mechanisms: political, administrative, financial and economic, organizational, motivational, etc.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;healthcare, health reform, non-state healthcare sector, public health governance mechanisms.</p> D. V. Karamyshev, V. P. Prasol ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/52 Fri, 04 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0300 An innovative model of human resource management in the civil service of Ukraine https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/54 <p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>c</strong><strong>t. </strong>The article is devoted to the research of the modern system of personnel management in state and local self-government bodies and creation of an innovative model of human resources management in the public service in Ukraine. It has been established that the modernization of personnel services into personnel management services started in the public authorities after the approval of the Strategy of the state personnel policy for 2012-2020, the Strategy of reforming the public administration of Ukraine for the period up to 2021 and the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and continues today.&nbsp;Analysis of the existing personnel management system in state bodies and bodies of local self-government, its strengths and weaknesses has identified a number of systemic problems, and also, that today in Ukraine there is no single, legally regulated system of personnel management in the public service in general and of the personnel management system in the sphere of state service and service in bodies of local self-government in particular. A large number of legal documents governs this system and only fragmentary reflected in them. &nbsp;It is proposed, to solve these problems and improve the management of human resources in the public service in Ukraine, to move from personnel management to a qualitatively new level of service strategic management of human resources. It have been defined the main purpose, objectives and functions of the office of strategic human resource management in the public service, and have been developed a model of strategic human resource management in the public service and mechanisms for its implementation.</p> Natalia Goncharuk, Yuliia Pyrohova ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/54 Thu, 01 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0300 METHODOLOGY OF MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STATE POLICY IN THE SPHERE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY IN UKRAINE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/55 <p><em>The current environmental legislation of Ukraine is analyzed to determine the monitoring and assessment system of the state environmental policy. It has been established that when forming this system, one should use the methodological foundations of public administration, which define it as a function of such management. The ways of improving the state environmental management are proposed.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em>&nbsp;</em><em>methodology of monitoring and evaluation; effectiveness of state policy; sphere of environmental safety.</em></p> Alina Pomaza-Ponomarenko, Diana Medvedeva ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/55 Thu, 17 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0300 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF ANTI-CORRUPTION PROCESSES https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/57 <p><em>The concept of "Public anti-corruption control" is considered as an element of state policy in the field of prevention and counteraction to corruption, mechanisms of public involvement in anti-corruption measures in Ukraine are considered.</em><em>&nbsp;The normative and legal bases of public anti-corruption control of the state and regional levels, including the laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine are analyzed. The definition of the concept of "Public anti-corruption control" as the activity of subjects of public anti-corruption control to monitor public authorities, local governments, other bodies and organizations in order to prevent and combat corruption. The management of processes, directions and forms of realization of public anti-corruption control, its participants - institutes of civil society are investigated. Political-ideological, legal, organizational-technical directions of public anti-corruption control are selected. The activity of public advisory bodies as the main subjects of public anti-corruption control is analyzed, including public councils at state authorities and local self-government bodies, public chambers and public organizations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the activities of public councils for the implementation of public anti-corruption monitoring, public anti-corruption examination of regulations (draft regulations). An analysis of the activities of organizations specializing in key areas of public anti-corruption control is made.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;public administration, mechanisms of interaction, civil society institutions, public anti-corruption control, independent examination of normative legal acts, public advisory bodies, anti-corruption monitoring, anti-corruption.</em></p> Nadiia Karpeko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/57 Sat, 03 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0300 ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN PRACTICE OF FORMATION OF STATE INFORMATION POLICY. https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/58 <p>The article examines the experience of the European Union in the formation and implementation of state information policy. Particular attention is paid to issues related to ensuring the right of access to information about the activities of public authorities. The study is based on the study of regulatory, analytical and reporting documents, special scientific investigations on these issues.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: state information policy; European Union (EU); access to information; information relations.</p> O. Gromyko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/58 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0300 GENESIS OF LAND OWNERSHIP RELATIONS AS A BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF INFORMATION SUPPORT OF LAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/59 <p><em>Management of land resources, implementation of a prudent policy in the field of land relations and information support of business entities on operations to acquire full ownership or its components on land, are of particular importance in the context of land reform in Ukraine. After all, in the process of land reform in Ukraine there are many problems. For example, problems related to securing land ownership, which has led to the widespread use of land resources, especially agricultural land, without legal registration and, accordingly, the proper conduct of property rights transactions that arise in the economic activities of enterprises. The development of theoretical foundations for the formation of an information mechanism for land management of any country is the basis for the development of globalization, competitiveness and innovation, which have a decisive influence on the formation of a market economy and specifically each entity. The reason for this is the consideration of property rights in the field of land relations, which in Ukraine are complex.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;<em>land relations, property relations,</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>land ownership relations</em><em>,</em><em>&nbsp;management, information mechanism, public administration, state policy</em></p> Tetiana Ostapchuk, Larysa Sergiienko, Svitlana Biryuchenko, Olha Lavrenchuk ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/59 Thu, 05 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0200 State support of stability of the information field of the electoral process in Ukraine https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/60 <p><em>The article is devoted to the research</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>of the information field of the election process in Ukraine, to determine the features of the state ensuring the stability of the information field and to establish ways to develop the system of information support of the election process. The characteristic of the information field and sources of its formation is given. The information field of the election process is divided into informing voters (official information from the authorities) and campaigning. The formation of the information field of the election process is influenced by two main sources: public authorities; political parties, candidates. It was determined that the former provide information on legal provisions and official information on the election process, the latter partially inform voters by duplicating official information, as well as organize agitation, which may be informal and ideological in nature. There is a special role of mass media, which act as a mediator between the subjects of the election process and the repeater of the whole set of information. A threat to the stability of the information field is that mass media</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>may be politically biased or disseminate inaccurate information in their own interests. It has been established that in recent years the political struggle has shifted to the Internet. This involves large social groups, especially young people - the vast majority of whom are users of modern technology. It is determined that such improvement of methods of information transfer and improvement of communication technologies leads to the fact that the possibility of manipulating the consciousness of a large number of citizens increases. It is concluded that the solution to a number of problems of state ensuring the stability of the electoral process in Ukraine should be, first, the regulation of the dissemination of information using the latest technologies; secondly, strengthening control over compliance with election legislation and real penalties for violating it; third, the development of a strategy for the formation of political and legal culture of citizens. Also, in order to ensure the stability of the information field of the election process, conditions should be created to ensure the timeliness, accuracy, objectivity, neutrality and completeness of information disseminated among citizens.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;<strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;election process, elections, public authorities, political parties, information field of the election process, agitation, informing voters.</em></p> Andrii Antonov, Alexandra Stoyan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/60 Mon, 02 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0200 LEGISLATIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUFFRAGE IMPLEMENTATION IN LOCAL ELECTIONS: UKRAINIAN AND WORLD EXPERIENCE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/61 <p><em>The purpose of the article is to substantiate the directions of improving the legislative framework for the suffrage implementation in local elections on the basis of Ukrainian and world experience. The purpose of the study identifies the features of modern suffrage. The world experience of the presence of qualifications in local elections is analyzed, in particular, the qualifications of active suffrage often include: settlement (living in a country, region for several months or years before the election); citizenship, age (standard - 18 years); denial of elections to the mentally ill, incapacitated and citizens who have committed a crime. </em><em>The qualifications of passive suffrage usually include: the availability of basic education (in developed countries for high positions – the availability of higher education); increased age requirement; increased official qualifications (on the basis of position, professional activity or spiritual rank).</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Aspects of suffrage realization at local elections in the Ukrainian legislation are characterized.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Ways to improve the legal framework for the suffrage implementation in local elections, in particular, by introducing additional requirements in the Electoral Code of Ukraine to increase the competence of choice through the introduction of dynamic active suffrage, taking into account social status, professionalism, education, etc.; on the introduction of new educational and intellectual qualifications for candidates for elected positions; to improve the quality of institutions of public control over the procedure of local elections.</em><em>&nbsp;Despite the fact that the electoral legislation of Ukraine, including the latest changes, generally complies with basic international norms, a number of these provisions should be specified, which will significantly strengthen the foundations of democracy in the electoral system of the state. Such detail will help increase the level of public confidence in the election procedure itself. The proposals presented in the article are the basis for further more detailed research of the legal framework for the suffrage implementation and the improvement of electoral processes in Ukraine.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;electoral code, suffrage, local elections, municipal councils, qualification</em></p> Viktor Sychenko, Volodymyr Berizinsky, Valery Marenichenko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/61 Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0200 PORTFOLIO OF UKRAINE'S ABILITY TO PREVENT AND COMBAT CORRUPTION UNDER INFLUENCE SYNERGIES OF HISTORICALLY FORMED CONDITIONS AND COVID-19 PANDEMICS https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/66 <p><em>The article focuses on the most painful problem of Ukraine, which</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>has been threating for years, as its progressive socio-economic and legal development, and also its economic and territorial security of the country is corruption, because due to its high density, reaching a singular level, the "black hole" effect appears, due to its growth, prosperity and security of the country are distorted and become the opposite phenomena - decline, impoverishment and danger. It is emphasized that spreading in Ukraine over a long historical period, corruption has simply "grown" into the socio-economic and political processes of the country. It has been proved that when the decision the further development of the country was made, people's deputies, first of all, should decide on the vectors and tools to prevent and combat corruption, what is possible given the condition and possession of a clear idea of ​​Ukraine's portfolio of ability to prevent and combat corruption. It was stated that according to the results of the Corruption Perceptions Index-2020 rating from Transparency International, Ukraine has not overcome the limit of "corruption shame". The dynamics of Ukraine's position in the Corruption Perceptions Index rating is analyzed. Progress in preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine has been found to be too slow, threatening the country's security. It was emphasized that the Anti-Corruption Strategies of previous years and the State Programs for their implementation envisaged that Ukraine would reach the average European values ​​for SRI within a decade, however, despite their high anti-corruption potential, they could not be fully implemented. A comparative analysis of the state of anti-corruption during 2017-2019 was performed. It was stressed that Ukraine's biggest problem is corrupt courts and the government's unwillingness to undertake real judicial reform. The level of inevitability of both criminal and administrative liability is rather low. It is proved that Anti-Corruption Strategies and State Programs for their Implementation without clearly defined long-term guidelines, as well as vectors for preventing and combating corruption lead to chaos. Small, uncoordinated steps only deplete the country and do not bring the expected results of society in terms of its economic growth, growth of welfare and enrichment of the nation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;corruption, prevention of corruption, counteraction to corruption, corruption shame, patronage policy of the government</em></p> Natalia Levchenko, Olena Klymenko, Liudmyla Antonova ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/66 Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0200 NORMATIVE AND LEGAL BASES OF STATE REGULATION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL MANAGEMENT https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/73 <p>The article analyzes the main programs in the field of reforming the housing and communal services of Ukraine, which form the basis of regulatory mechanisms of state administration in housing. An attempt is made to establish their effectiveness in improving public administration in the housing and communal sphere, the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of such programs in the context of implementation on the basis of comparative analysis. It is assumed that the main problematic aspect is the separation of the proposed reforms from the general reforms of public administration in the country. The study of the housing sector in the context of crisis management allows us to make assumptions about the ineffectiveness of instruments and mechanisms of state regulation. One of the basic are regulatory mechanisms. Among the means of legal regulation should be noted National programs, on the basis of which throughout the independence of Ukraine carried out state regulation of housing, so they also indicate the effectiveness or inefficiency of public policy in housing and communal services, based on them formed relevant regional and municipal programs. They reflect the state policy in the industry and form the conditions for the introduction of other instruments of state intervention, determine the "rules of the game" in the market of housing and communal services and others. The real state of functioning of housing and communal services, its further development or on the contrary - strengthening of the crisis phenomena depends on it.</p> <p>Thus, although the mechanisms for their implementation were well-founded, at the same time they proved difficult to implement due to the lack of an adequate funding system at both national and local levels. Therefore, the article focuses on the consideration of housing development programs at the local level, analyzes the main elements of these programs, the study is related to the analysis of foreign experience, which outlined the elements of the housing reform model in France, Germany and other European countries, its’ ability to be adopted in Ukraine.</p> Dmytro Bizonych ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/73 Sat, 15 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0200 MECHANISM OF STATE REGULATION OF FINANCIAL SECURITY OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/78 <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article studies the mechanism of state regulation of the financial security of<br>an industrial enterprise. The essence and structure of the financial security of an<br>economic entity shall be determined, taking into account the totality of its financial<br>relations at all economic levels. As a methodological support of the mechanism for<br>diagnosing the state of financial security of an enterprise, the author proposes a<br>comprehensive methodological approach to assessing, analyzing and predicting the<br>level of financial security, taking into account the formed margin of safety in the face<br>of threats to the internal and external environment of the functioning of an economic<br>entity. The expediency of introducing a mechanism for diagnosing its state into the<br>financial security management system of an enterprise has been substantiated and its<br>main components have been formed: purpose, principles, functions, types, levels and<br>methods.</span> </p> Victiria Kruchynenko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/78 Wed, 19 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0200 PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT REGULATORY POLICY IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE STAGE OF INTEGRATION TO THE STANDARDS OF WORK WITH PERSONNEL IN EUROPE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/80 <p><span class="fontstyle0">Today's economy is based on global processes and the principles of free<br>movement of capital and technology, in particular, large strategic enterprises.<br>Development strategies implemented by organizations are focused on internal and<br>external aspects. Given the universality of privatization processes, it can be seen that<br>they are gradually becoming a natural process - an almost integral part of day-to-day<br>management. In the last few decades, most enterprises in the field of functional<br>economics have undergone many changes, they are the result of systemic changes.<br>The question of the role of the state is one of the most controversial problems<br>in the modern economy, this term is not defined in the norms of the European Union<br>or in the rules of other states. Human resource management based on the modern<br>needs of the organization is certainly a very complex process, it is closely linked to<br>the strategy of the organization and aims to develop employee motivation. Taking<br>into account the existing functional dependence, we can say that all actions in<br>personnel policy are accompanied by changes in staff, which can cause a change in<br>qualifications, the need for new competencies.<br>The new approach and perception of employees by management must take into<br>account the fact of creating an organization and the fact that its development depends<br>on qualifications, skills and knowledge. Modern economic processes, which are<br>largely the result of the free movement of capital on a global scale, maximize the<br>processes of mergers and acquisitions. Because it is the employees who use their&nbsp;</span><span class="fontstyle0">resources to create value for shareholders and other stakeholders in the company, it is<br>necessary to properly stimulate their development. Modern human resource<br>management is seen as a new concept on the problem of employee participation in<br>the organization more comprehensively.</span> </p> Maria Huchko ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/80 Sat, 25 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0200 STATE REGULATION OF NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION SUPPORT OF UKRAINE https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/85 <p><span class="fontstyle0">The paper defines the essence of information policy as an information society<br>phenomenon and its security ensuring with the help of systematization criteria and<br>forms and types of national security information support that correspond them. The<br>methodological foundations of the information provision of the national security policy<br>were studied, the methods of evaluating, obtaining, submitting information in the<br>implementation of information security were classified, the importance of information<br>security in state-management relations in the context of the processes of<br>democratization of society was revealed, the role of state-management institutes as key<br>subjects of the implementation of the information policy of ensuring national security<br>of modern Ukraine was characterized</span> </p> Roman Malakhov ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/85 Fri, 24 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300 PUBLIC SERVICE AVAILABILITY IN UKRAINE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/86 <p><em>The paper examines the state policy on realization of the rights to work of persons with disabilities on the example of access to public service in Ukraine. The theoretical and legal basis was established on scientific works and legal acts, which testify to the multidisciplinarity of the chosen scientific problem.</em> <em>The paper outlines international documents, which provisions relate to guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities, in particular to work. It was found that the state policy is formed under the influence of the model of perception of disability, which dominates in a particular society. In Ukraine, the medical model dominates, which limits the rights of citizens to work. Analytical data on the employment of persons with disabilities in the civil service are given. The state of compliance with the legally established quota of 4% was established on the example of individual state authorities. It is noted about the legislative activity aimed at improving the employment of persons with disabilities. Recommendations for the adoption of inclusive management decisions, which must be implemented.</em></p> Angela Malyuha ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/86 Tue, 18 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300