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Natalia Levchenko
Olena Klymenko
Liudmyla Antonova


The article focuses on the most painful problem of Ukraine, which has been threating for years, as its progressive socio-economic and legal development, and also its economic and territorial security of the country is corruption, because due to its high density, reaching a singular level, the "black hole" effect appears, due to its growth, prosperity and security of the country are distorted and become the opposite phenomena - decline, impoverishment and danger. It is emphasized that spreading in Ukraine over a long historical period, corruption has simply "grown" into the socio-economic and political processes of the country. It has been proved that when the decision the further development of the country was made, people's deputies, first of all, should decide on the vectors and tools to prevent and combat corruption, what is possible given the condition and possession of a clear idea of ​​Ukraine's portfolio of ability to prevent and combat corruption. It was stated that according to the results of the Corruption Perceptions Index-2020 rating from Transparency International, Ukraine has not overcome the limit of "corruption shame". The dynamics of Ukraine's position in the Corruption Perceptions Index rating is analyzed. Progress in preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine has been found to be too slow, threatening the country's security. It was emphasized that the Anti-Corruption Strategies of previous years and the State Programs for their implementation envisaged that Ukraine would reach the average European values ​​for SRI within a decade, however, despite their high anti-corruption potential, they could not be fully implemented. A comparative analysis of the state of anti-corruption during 2017-2019 was performed. It was stressed that Ukraine's biggest problem is corrupt courts and the government's unwillingness to undertake real judicial reform. The level of inevitability of both criminal and administrative liability is rather low. It is proved that Anti-Corruption Strategies and State Programs for their Implementation without clearly defined long-term guidelines, as well as vectors for preventing and combating corruption lead to chaos. Small, uncoordinated steps only deplete the country and do not bring the expected results of society in terms of its economic growth, growth of welfare and enrichment of the nation.

Keywords: corruption, prevention of corruption, counteraction to corruption, corruption shame, patronage policy of the government

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How to Cite
Levchenko, N., Klymenko, O., & Antonova, L. (2020). PORTFOLIO OF UKRAINE’S ABILITY TO PREVENT AND COMBAT CORRUPTION UNDER INFLUENCE SYNERGIES OF HISTORICALLY FORMED CONDITIONS AND COVID-19 PANDEMICS. EAST JOURNAL OF SECURITY STUDIES, 6(1), 182-197. Retrieved from https://ejss.nuczu.edu.ua/index.php/ejss/article/view/66
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Author Biography

Natalia Levchenko, National University "Zaporizhia Polytechnic"

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Business, Trade and Stock Exchanges,

National University "Zaporizhia Polytechnic"

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